Best. Week. Ever.
Register now for the most epic, faith-filled week of the summer.
Same epic games, same relatable Gospel teaching—just for the girls. Girls Camp is all about a safe environment for girls to make real friendships, learn about God’s everlasting love for them, and have an insane amount of fun.
With wild games, 1:1 time with their caring cabin leader, and tons of adventurous free-time options, your daughter will take the next step in
her faith while having the best week ever.
*Pre-Register for next years camp - at this years price: $835 - by September 1, 2025!
One-week sleep away camp just for elementary-age kids, where they’ll get to make lots of new friends, talk about Jesus with high-energy Christian cabin leaders, and have an outrageous amount of fun.
*Pre-Register for next years camp - at this years price: $710 - by September 1, 2025!